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Family Handbook

St. Nicholas of Tolentine School Handbook for 2023-2024


Available in both English and Spanish â€‹

​St. Nicholas of Tolentine School Acceptable Use Policy

In order to protect our children and to protect our investment in informative technology, including school computers, the Internet, and education online resources, St. Nicholas of Tolentine has established an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

The AUP applies to the computers and computer equipment installed in the school building, as well as information that is accessible via the computers.

Our complete Acceptable Use Policy is available for you to download to your computer by clicking on the following link:

St. Nicholas of Tolentine School Cyberbullying Policy

Cyberbullying is defined as intentional cruelty to other by sending or posting hurtful and hate-filled messages and material using digital and social media technologies.  This includes direct and indirect harassment and activities that are intended to damage the reputation and relationships of the intended student target. Cyberbullying encompasses any action that is intended to cause harm to another student via electronic means.

Saint Nicholas of Tolentine School will continue to define cyberbullying as any act that takes place on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school provided transportation, at an official school event off campus, via the school Internet network, via a personal digital device on or immediately adjacent to school property, or off campus activities that cause or threaten to cause substantial disruption at school or interferes with the right of students to feel secure.

By sending hurtful text and picture messages, or posting hurtful comments and information on message boards, blogs, Twitter feeds, or by impersonating that student with the intent to harm his or her reputation, students are engaging in cyberbullying.
Our complete Cyberbullying Policy is available for you to download to your computer by clicking on the following link:

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