Welcome Home Alumni
Welcome to the St. Nicholas of Tolentine Alumni Page
The continued relationship between alumni, the parish, and the faculty, are a testament to the strength of the experience that is the St. Nicholas community. As an alumnus of St. Nicholas, you can make a difference for current students as well as the future of our school.
We need alumni actively supporting us. We are always looking for volunteers willing to give their time, talents, and treasures with our students. We would love for you to become a mentor, coach, tutor, or a friend to our students.
We want to keep you informed and connected to your extended St. Nicholas family. The school is working diligently to identify and connect with all former St. Nicholas students...and you can help!
Alumni Association
We are looking to create an Alumni Association to help organize alumni events and create a stronger community of St. Nick's Alumni.
Our next meeting, open to all alumni will be
Tuesday April 26th

Alumni Events
Alumni Reunion
Date TBD
Please be on the lookout for new information coming soon!
Annual Spring Fling
Save the date for next year's Spring Fling
Date TBD
Alumni of the Year
St. Nicholas of Tolentine School appreciates and recognizes the very special relationship it has with its alumni and the importance of expanding and deepening alumni interactions with the school.
As such, the Alumnus/a of the Year Award was established as a result of the 2015 All School Reunion.
The reasons for recognition are distinguished professional achievement and/or distinguished leadership, service to his/her community, and loyalty to the ideals he or she learned at St. Nicholas of Tolentine School.

In 1909, the Augustinian Priests and Adrian Dominican Sisters created a strong foundation for education in St. Nicholas of Tolentine School on 62nd and Lawndale. It is hard to believe that the oldest Catholic Elementary School in Chicago’s West Lawn area is celebrating its 110th year - and continues to thrive!
Through world struggles and many changes, St. Nicholas of Tolentine School has remained firm in its mission to help all students reach their greatest potential. This has not been done alone, but rather with the generosity of the Religious Sisters and Brothers, Alumni, Parishioners, Friends, and generous benefactors who have been the mortar holding the foundation together. Thank you for your love and commitment to the strong presence of Catholic values and education within this neighborhood community.
As we celebrate St. Nicholas of Tolentine School’s 110 years of excellence, we ask you to consider making a monetary gift that will demonstrate your faith, generosity, and St. Nick’s spirit. A gift will help us continue building upon the already firm foundation for future generations.